How to secretly measure her ring size

You are asking your partner to marry you. How exciting! You put the ring on her finger, but you find out it’s the wrong size. How embarrassing! Marriage is a big step. You can do everything right like bring her to the perfect restaurant or gather family and friends for a special party, but an ill-fitting ring can ruin everything. How do you figure out her ring size while keeping the surprise? Here are some tips to help you on your special journey.

1. Grab her ring

If your fiancee-to-be wears a ring on her left ring finger, you are in luck. You can just secretly borrow it and use our online ring size tool to figure out the size. But if she wears that ring every day, you can try another method.

2. Tie the knot (literally)

You can wrap a piece of string or print out our ruler on a strip of paper. Wrap this string or paper around her finger and mark the correct point to measure her ring size. We suggest you can do this while she is sleeping to maintain the element of surprise.

3. Ask her friends

Another great way to find out her ring size is to ask her your partner’s friends to take her shopping and try on some rings for fun. You can get her accurate ring size after hearing back from her friends.

Every woman is worth a wonderful proposal. We hope the above information will be helpful, and good luck!

Any other tips you’d like to share with us? Let us know in the comments below!

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